What is stuck?
Sometimes we don’t recognize that we feel stuck. That sentiment may take other forms, and sound like:
Is this it? Is this all there is to my life?
Isn’t there supposed to be more ____?
I feel dissatisfied.
I feel disappointed.
I feel unfulfilled.
What is my actual purpose in life?
I thought I would be happier.
Why don’t I feel happier?
I know I’m not happy where I am, but I don't know where I want to be.
I am exhausted and burnt out.
When do I get to do what I want to do?
I can’t even contemplate a change because so many people depend on me.
My friends / family / colleagues would be disappointed / angry / judgmental if I made a change.
How do I even go about changing my life?
What if I make the wrong choice?
There is always a way out of stuck.
Before making any change, you need to recognize where you are. Only then can you decide where you want to go.